Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So Sweet & Lovely =)
Today me and my family went to attend one of my relative wedding dinner in the late evening time, the venue is at Clarke Quay.
When we reach there they just started to invite each and everyone in to have a sit,
When we reach there they just started to invite each and everyone in to have a sit,
after a moment the food start to come everyone started to dig in like their damn hungry like that. LOLS..
I dont care i slowly eat. Hahahs..
I dont care i slowly eat. Hahahs..
Up till the 2nd or 3rd dish,
they started to play those nice and sweet memorise picture
of the Bride & the Bride-Groom
since they we're young till the picture of they got marry.
Make me feel envy.
Make me feel envy.
After that clip,
food continue to come and everyone started to eat again.
A moment later,
they saw us a video about them again in the morning before they're there.
It's so funny, I still remember there's one part everyone laugh until very loudly
and that part is the Groom sang the dont know what flower song to the bride.
The song no one heard it before too.
Got alot of different flower want. LOLS..
I bet the song is the Groom ownself invent want.
HAHAHAs... Cute !
After that video
It time for the Bride & the Bride-Groom
to walk in from the door.
It's so lovely and sweet.
It's so lovely and sweet.
After our 6th dish of food,
here comes the 2nd time for the Bride & the Groom
to walk in again, the 2nd time went they walk in they went up the stage and thanks each and every since one over there to attend their wedding dinner.
Blah.. Blah.. Blah.. Etc...
After every thanks to everyone all of us started to stand up and do the singaporean YAM SAME for 3 times.. LOLS...
After the yam same.. the sit back down and enjoy one last video clip of both of the bride & groom again.. It's really damn damn sweet and lovely. I see already also very envy about them..
It's not only them is whenever i saw or attend people wedding i'll always find it sweet, lovely & romantic.
It's always make me feel so so envy..
=( LOls... xD
After we finished up our last dish of food,
everyone went out and shake hands to both of the bride & groom family
last but not least the both new young husband & wife.
Hmmm .. today is really a very sweet & envy day for me.
To see the loving couple got marry.
Is really SWEET & LOVELY. =)
How i wish next time for mine can be sweeter and much more lovely then theirs..
xD =P
( Anyway 3 More days towards my Birthday xD )
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hahax ..
Today in the afternoon me and my sis when to meet my mum for lunch in CP - Compass Point.
LOls .. We went to eat Pizza Hut.. Cause that's what my sis wanted to eat. So yah !
After that i meet serene at there CP.
BEcause the point that we meet today is wanted to go and make our modem, because recently is like damn damn laggggggggggggggggggg ..
That's why. But at CP there's one M1 shop so we just go ask then the person over there ask us to go and and have a sit and help us check about it. But when we're inside the stupid modem work very well and also very fast when we log in msn & use internet.
Then after that we thought everything is okays, then we start to think where to go after that.
End up both of us decided to go KBOX .. LOLS ..
Then we start to think go which KBOX, after that serene said EHUB got one KBOX so we went there plus it's new. HAHAS ..
Hmmm .. when we reach there is like about 3 plus going 4 .. so we have 3 hour plus to sing.. LOLS ..
Hmmm .. so after that we went into the room already then we can start to order food and drink.
Oh yah! PLus the room they give us is so outside lor.. -.-"
Okays but whatever.. !
After we order our food and drinks already we start to choose song and start to sing..
hahahs ..
After that, we slowly realize those guys that are working in KBOX ..
keep on walk pass our room and look inside..
is like they are so free like that..
But actually we don't care much too..
then when they sent in the food and drinks in for us is like different guy,
then whenever they came in they put down those thing already will look at me and smile at me.
And for me is like people smile at me I sure will smile back to them want so is normal for me.
Then when time is nearly up one girl came in ask us for payment so okays ..
But when we want to make payment that time we wanted to take the money to her that time she didnt heard us at all because she's listen to the song that we're singing.. -.-"
Then after that we continue to sing.
After that i saw the girl outside wanted to give us back our change but i suddenly look outside and i saw one guy take the change from the girl and he ownself came in and give me the change after that i take already he look at me again.. -.-
then i smile back to him and say thank you.
then he when out.
After that we still continue to sing.
Actually after that we got to leave already but we still sing and no one come and chase us out. Even the manage walk pass saw also didnt chase us out, UNTIL one guy came in and told us last song then we like oh okays.
Yah.. That guy is not those guys that keep on walk pass our room and look into it want.
HAHAs .. My serene said maybe he not happy because those guy dont want to work keep on walk pass our room and look inside then he purposely come in and told us last song then we'll leave then they can concerate and work .. LOLS ..
NOW here come the funny part ..
LOLS .. !
After that when we walk out of the room those guys stand at the back and shout out very loudly " THANK YOU " & " BYE " ..
Is like -.- so loud for what ?
we saw other room people go of they also didnt say thank you or bye to them if have also not so loud lor ..
Then after that we when to the courter there to take point then I saw those guy at the back keep on pushing each other .. is so lols..
then after that got one guy ownself run out to the courter there and look at me and smile at me.. then the guy wanted to come forward to me but too bad he saw the girl manager is over there so he can't.. lols ..
Then after that the other guy came out and stand beside him and see who is he talking to then he saw the girl manager there to.. so he just stand beside the other guy and both of them at that time look at me again and smile at me .. then i smile back to them again.. hehes =)
After that both of us walk of that time serene asked me do I think that they wanted to take number from me then i said i dont know i only know that they keep on walk pass our room and look inside. lols ..
Serene said she think they want to take number from me..
Then i like -.-
Then before we turn off and walk off the two guy keep on look at me and smile at me..
Then serene say they wanted to take number from me.. But too bad .. HAHAs ..
Who ask them just now keep on come in dont want to ask.. Leave already then wanted to ask..
lols ..
Serene also do said they sure regret didnt ask earlier..
lols ..
She also asked me if they ask will i give.. hmmm .. i think i will bahx !
Because be friend no harm what..
Lols ..
But to be frank i've notice one guy that keep on walk pass the room and look inside.
And that guy is so cute .. xD
And yes that's the guy that keep on walk pass the room and look inside many times want, and the first one that came out to the courter after we leave the room want.. ^-^
He's so cute .. ^_^ =P
After that serene keep on tease me..
so ps lor..
lols ..
But after that to be frank to her i really find that cute guy very cute..
then she say see lahx .. just now ask me go back there dont want..
kekex .. Shy lahs .. People shy okays ! ^-^
Serene said i'm in love is like -.- lor
anyhow say
i only say i find that guy cute and my mind is keep on thinking of him only what
like that only then say i fall in love..
is so -.- lor ..
lols ..
( Hmmmm ... Hope that me and that cute guy can have change to meet again ^-^ . )
Today in the afternoon me and my sis when to meet my mum for lunch in CP - Compass Point.
LOls .. We went to eat Pizza Hut.. Cause that's what my sis wanted to eat. So yah !
After that i meet serene at there CP.
BEcause the point that we meet today is wanted to go and make our modem, because recently is like damn damn laggggggggggggggggggg ..
That's why. But at CP there's one M1 shop so we just go ask then the person over there ask us to go and and have a sit and help us check about it. But when we're inside the stupid modem work very well and also very fast when we log in msn & use internet.
Then after that we thought everything is okays, then we start to think where to go after that.
End up both of us decided to go KBOX .. LOLS ..
Then we start to think go which KBOX, after that serene said EHUB got one KBOX so we went there plus it's new. HAHAS ..
Hmmm .. when we reach there is like about 3 plus going 4 .. so we have 3 hour plus to sing.. LOLS ..
Hmmm .. so after that we went into the room already then we can start to order food and drink.
Oh yah! PLus the room they give us is so outside lor.. -.-"
Okays but whatever.. !
After we order our food and drinks already we start to choose song and start to sing..
hahahs ..
After that, we slowly realize those guys that are working in KBOX ..
keep on walk pass our room and look inside..
is like they are so free like that..
But actually we don't care much too..
then when they sent in the food and drinks in for us is like different guy,
then whenever they came in they put down those thing already will look at me and smile at me.
And for me is like people smile at me I sure will smile back to them want so is normal for me.
Then when time is nearly up one girl came in ask us for payment so okays ..
But when we want to make payment that time we wanted to take the money to her that time she didnt heard us at all because she's listen to the song that we're singing.. -.-"
Then after that we continue to sing.
After that i saw the girl outside wanted to give us back our change but i suddenly look outside and i saw one guy take the change from the girl and he ownself came in and give me the change after that i take already he look at me again.. -.-
then i smile back to him and say thank you.
then he when out.
After that we still continue to sing.
Actually after that we got to leave already but we still sing and no one come and chase us out. Even the manage walk pass saw also didnt chase us out, UNTIL one guy came in and told us last song then we like oh okays.
Yah.. That guy is not those guys that keep on walk pass our room and look into it want.
HAHAs .. My serene said maybe he not happy because those guy dont want to work keep on walk pass our room and look inside then he purposely come in and told us last song then we'll leave then they can concerate and work .. LOLS ..
NOW here come the funny part ..
LOLS .. !
After that when we walk out of the room those guys stand at the back and shout out very loudly " THANK YOU " & " BYE " ..
Is like -.- so loud for what ?
we saw other room people go of they also didnt say thank you or bye to them if have also not so loud lor ..
Then after that we when to the courter there to take point then I saw those guy at the back keep on pushing each other .. is so lols..
then after that got one guy ownself run out to the courter there and look at me and smile at me.. then the guy wanted to come forward to me but too bad he saw the girl manager is over there so he can't.. lols ..
Then after that the other guy came out and stand beside him and see who is he talking to then he saw the girl manager there to.. so he just stand beside the other guy and both of them at that time look at me again and smile at me .. then i smile back to them again.. hehes =)
After that both of us walk of that time serene asked me do I think that they wanted to take number from me then i said i dont know i only know that they keep on walk pass our room and look inside. lols ..
Serene said she think they want to take number from me..
Then i like -.-
Then before we turn off and walk off the two guy keep on look at me and smile at me..
Then serene say they wanted to take number from me.. But too bad .. HAHAs ..
Who ask them just now keep on come in dont want to ask.. Leave already then wanted to ask..
lols ..
Serene also do said they sure regret didnt ask earlier..
lols ..
She also asked me if they ask will i give.. hmmm .. i think i will bahx !
Because be friend no harm what..
Lols ..
But to be frank i've notice one guy that keep on walk pass the room and look inside.
And that guy is so cute .. xD
And yes that's the guy that keep on walk pass the room and look inside many times want, and the first one that came out to the courter after we leave the room want.. ^-^
He's so cute .. ^_^ =P
After that serene keep on tease me..
so ps lor..
lols ..
But after that to be frank to her i really find that cute guy very cute..
then she say see lahx .. just now ask me go back there dont want..
kekex .. Shy lahs .. People shy okays ! ^-^
Serene said i'm in love is like -.- lor
anyhow say
i only say i find that guy cute and my mind is keep on thinking of him only what
like that only then say i fall in love..
is so -.- lor ..
lols ..
( Hmmmm ... Hope that me and that cute guy can have change to meet again ^-^ . )
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gain it or Lose it
My mind keeping on repeat what i've said to candy yesterday night.
No matter what we are doing in this world we sure will gain something and lose something at the same time and moment, We're unable to just gain something and doesn't need to lose something, we sure have to lose something while we gain something.
For example such as :
When we have to make a choice of doing something,
your mind will start to think should or shouldn't because
that's where the time you will scare of gaining it or losing it.
Such as :
A relationship to someone you like, Friend, Family and etc.
Other then all this there's still many more
But all this is most common problem when people start to think of that question by asking themselves SHOULD I or SHOULD I NOT.
And there's where the time you start to be afraid of Losing it or Gain it.
So in this world no matter what we do,
we always got to decide and make choice
whenever there is this two thing we always got to face
Should I or Should I Not
Will I Gain It or Will I Lose It.
Unless in this world we don't have to make any decision and choice
Then we can stop thinking about those two question
If not This Two thing will always be there.
No matter what we are doing in this world we sure will gain something and lose something at the same time and moment, We're unable to just gain something and doesn't need to lose something, we sure have to lose something while we gain something.
For example such as :
When we have to make a choice of doing something,
your mind will start to think should or shouldn't because
that's where the time you will scare of gaining it or losing it.
Such as :
A relationship to someone you like, Friend, Family and etc.
Other then all this there's still many more
But all this is most common problem when people start to think of that question by asking themselves SHOULD I or SHOULD I NOT.
And there's where the time you start to be afraid of Losing it or Gain it.
So in this world no matter what we do,
we always got to decide and make choice
whenever there is this two thing we always got to face
Should I or Should I Not
Will I Gain It or Will I Lose It.
Unless in this world we don't have to make any decision and choice
Then we can stop thinking about those two question
If not This Two thing will always be there.
Accept the fact that...
Never regret the day you missed
Never cry for the lost love
Never be afraid to show your feelings
Never be timid on the things you know
Accept the fact that life is victorious
Accept the trials that you will face
Accept the lost love you lost
Think twice,
Think positive,
Think correctly,
Think like a human being.
Live like a soaring eagle
Live like a fighter
Live like a strong contender
Live like the way you like.
Love honestly
Love perfectly
Love completely
Love seriously
There is a time that you will cry
There is a time that you will smile
There is a time that you need someone
There is a time that you need to be loved.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
When shopping again ! xD
Arh !
Yesterday slept around 3 plus in this morning .. LOLS.. Then i got to woke up at 8.30 in the morning too.. Arghh .. is just like i only got to sleep for 5 hr is not enough for me .. i need more sleep.. LOLx...
After that i go and shower and prepare myself up, then i go and wake my dad up.. LOLs.. If not later when he woke up first he got to wake fro me for quite a long time .. LOls.. xD
So when i'm almost done i went to woke him up then i continue to prepare in this case he dont have to wait for quite a long time .. kekex..
Anyway after that we went to my grandma place to fetch her because we're going out together that's why [ I got to wake up so early, if not i also dont have to wake up so early. =( ] =P
Hmm ..
After that ard 3 plus we send my grandma back home, went to her house sit for awhile, then we leave and i went to do my favourite thing again SHOPPING ... hahhahas .. LOVE IT xD
Today i went shopping i bought another one new heels & one new pair of slipper.. hahahs ..
I just realise i've quite many slipper & heels & quite a number of shoes too .. kekex .. Buy Buy Buy .. Keep on buy.. LOLS ..
But also can't blame me all girls is born to be like this .. lols
hmm ..
SO this is my new heels & slipper i bought today =)
Yesterday slept around 3 plus in this morning .. LOLS.. Then i got to woke up at 8.30 in the morning too.. Arghh .. is just like i only got to sleep for 5 hr is not enough for me .. i need more sleep.. LOLx...
After that i go and shower and prepare myself up, then i go and wake my dad up.. LOLs.. If not later when he woke up first he got to wake fro me for quite a long time .. LOls.. xD
So when i'm almost done i went to woke him up then i continue to prepare in this case he dont have to wait for quite a long time .. kekex..
Anyway after that we went to my grandma place to fetch her because we're going out together that's why [ I got to wake up so early, if not i also dont have to wake up so early. =( ] =P
Hmm ..
After that ard 3 plus we send my grandma back home, went to her house sit for awhile, then we leave and i went to do my favourite thing again SHOPPING ... hahhahas .. LOVE IT xD
Today i went shopping i bought another one new heels & one new pair of slipper.. hahahs ..
I just realise i've quite many slipper & heels & quite a number of shoes too .. kekex .. Buy Buy Buy .. Keep on buy.. LOLS ..
But also can't blame me all girls is born to be like this .. lols
hmm ..
SO this is my new heels & slipper i bought today =)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Let me sing one birhtday song for you :)
Here Its Go xD :
Let me sing one birhtday song for you :)
Here Its Go xD :
Hahax .. back to the sun .. xD
Hahahx ..
I'm back into the sun xD
TOday i woke up 1 pm .. hahax .. late huh .. lolx..
tired that's why sleep until so late then i woke up.. lolx ..
Hmm .. after i woke up i feel bored and i don't feel like rotting at home, so i msg ning and asked her whether she want to go wild wild wet together with me not?
Hahax .. i didn't expect that she say yes to me .. so we waited until 3 plus then we go prepare cause before that time the sky is dark until want to rain like that so didn't go prepare. hahhax .. But lucky 3 the sun came out .. when the sun came out mean we can go to wild wild wet and have fun already.. LOLX ..
Then went the time we reach there is already 5pm. So is like -.- we only have to hours left to play. -.-
Oh yah !
when the time we just reach there i saw lots of people cosplaying and i guess hahahx .. Candy must be there too .. hahax .. so i called her and asked her where is she and i'm right.. BINGO ! hahahx .. She's there with her friends. She's not cosplaying today but her friends were cosplaying. So yah .. hahahx .. i'm smart .. hahahx .. so went to look for here awhile and chat for awhile then we went to wild wild wet and play.. LOLX ..
Hahax .. play until forget to take pic but we did took some pic after that xD
Hmm.. After we change we when to EHUB and take a look & play again .. hahahx ..
Pass few days keep on shop & shop, today keep on play & play none stop. LOLX ..
We when to the x-zone and play the machine that can take different kind of soft toys want .. hahahx .. don't know what that machine call.. So yah the machine is full of soft toy and ning tried lots of time just wanted to get one soft toy for me but too bad can't get it in the end but i still feel glad about it cause at least she had the heart to do it for me =))
Love her xD
After that then we went to whitesand for our dinner.. LOLX..
We went to the hongkong cafe to ate our dinner .. LOLX..
And she's so bad snap one pic of me while i'm eating and didn't really notice it .. LOLX..
(( Sorry dude to some inernet problem again so i can't upload the pic. I'll upload the pic while the problem is solve xD ))
Aftert pur dinner is like about 10pm already so we when to took bus and go home .. LOLX ..
What a day i have xD
I'm back into the sun xD
TOday i woke up 1 pm .. hahax .. late huh .. lolx..
tired that's why sleep until so late then i woke up.. lolx ..
Hmm .. after i woke up i feel bored and i don't feel like rotting at home, so i msg ning and asked her whether she want to go wild wild wet together with me not?
Hahax .. i didn't expect that she say yes to me .. so we waited until 3 plus then we go prepare cause before that time the sky is dark until want to rain like that so didn't go prepare. hahhax .. But lucky 3 the sun came out .. when the sun came out mean we can go to wild wild wet and have fun already.. LOLX ..
Then went the time we reach there is already 5pm. So is like -.- we only have to hours left to play. -.-
Oh yah !
when the time we just reach there i saw lots of people cosplaying and i guess hahahx .. Candy must be there too .. hahax .. so i called her and asked her where is she and i'm right.. BINGO ! hahahx .. She's there with her friends. She's not cosplaying today but her friends were cosplaying. So yah .. hahahx .. i'm smart .. hahahx .. so went to look for here awhile and chat for awhile then we went to wild wild wet and play.. LOLX ..
Hahax .. play until forget to take pic but we did took some pic after that xD
Hmm.. After we change we when to EHUB and take a look & play again .. hahahx ..
Pass few days keep on shop & shop, today keep on play & play none stop. LOLX ..
We when to the x-zone and play the machine that can take different kind of soft toys want .. hahahx .. don't know what that machine call.. So yah the machine is full of soft toy and ning tried lots of time just wanted to get one soft toy for me but too bad can't get it in the end but i still feel glad about it cause at least she had the heart to do it for me =))
Love her xD
After that then we went to whitesand for our dinner.. LOLX..
We went to the hongkong cafe to ate our dinner .. LOLX..
And she's so bad snap one pic of me while i'm eating and didn't really notice it .. LOLX..
(( Sorry dude to some inernet problem again so i can't upload the pic. I'll upload the pic while the problem is solve xD ))
Aftert pur dinner is like about 10pm already so we when to took bus and go home .. LOLX ..
What a day i have xD
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Finally !
Yesterday i sleep quite early around 3 plus but i offline in the morning around 6am like. Ya, cause i'm kinda of waiting for him to chat with me. But i wait until i fall a sleep.. LOLX..
And plus i went offline is after i saw him offline then i offline if not i also wont offline i think so ?
hahax ..
Oh ya !
So slept so late last night woke up at noon time today as usual recently waking up around that timing too, LOLX.. then after that i ate my breakfast .. lolx .. 12 noon already still breakfast .. hahahx ... so ya after that i went to shower then went out with my dad to my grandma house. Go there got nothing much really can do unless my 2 baby cousin got go then at least can play with them.. if not is like you went there is SO BORING !
Then at night around 8 i went shopping again .. hahahx .. LOVE IT xD
Went to compass point and shop and i bought one bag from Charles & Keith .. hahax .. I like that bag quite much so i buy it even though the price is like $50 .. YA ! .. But i still buy it .. hahahx ..
anyway the money also not i pad is my paid by my nets after that my mum will return the money back to me . So it's okays .. hahahx .. xD
And plus i went offline is after i saw him offline then i offline if not i also wont offline i think so ?
hahax ..
Oh ya !
So slept so late last night woke up at noon time today as usual recently waking up around that timing too, LOLX.. then after that i ate my breakfast .. lolx .. 12 noon already still breakfast .. hahahx ... so ya after that i went to shower then went out with my dad to my grandma house. Go there got nothing much really can do unless my 2 baby cousin got go then at least can play with them.. if not is like you went there is SO BORING !
Then at night around 8 i went shopping again .. hahahx .. LOVE IT xD
Went to compass point and shop and i bought one bag from Charles & Keith .. hahax .. I like that bag quite much so i buy it even though the price is like $50 .. YA ! .. But i still buy it .. hahahx ..
anyway the money also not i pad is my paid by my nets after that my mum will return the money back to me . So it's okays .. hahahx .. xD
Friday, July 4, 2008
What to do ?
SO !!!
What to do ???
No choice...
I can't do anything..
Just take it as it's come bahx ! xD
What to do ???
No choice...
I can't do anything..
Just take it as it's come bahx ! xD
Finally !
Today as usual i woke up at 12 noon. kekekx ..
Recently always woke up at the same time .. hahahx ..
After that around 2 plus going 3 pm i went to shower because i'm going to find serene at raffles place, she went back there to work just for today so i went back there to meet her.. LOLX..
But before i went to meet her i went to Sengkang singpost to sent something.. HAHAX .. Finally i sent it out. LOLX..
After that i go and take MRT and go find serene .. hahahx .. I reach there is like about 5.30. LOLX .. then when i reach there the first thing i saw her doing is packing up those book. -.-
Always .. HAHAX ..
I still remember when the first time i saw her work there she also busy packing up those book .. LOLX .. She's so funny always like that . hahahx .. -.-
Then if i didnt remember wrongly around 6 plus we went to buy YUMMY YOGHUART .. hahax .. so nice to eat .. hahhax .. LOVE IT ! xD
After that at there talk to those people over there because some of them i know them so .. hahahx .. kekex .. lolx .. xD
Urms .. after that she started to count money at 8 then close until 9 then we go leave there then we went PS for dinner .. kekex .. with one of her friend xD
When we reach there she said she wanted to eat pizza hut but their close at that time .. lolx ..
so in the end we eat pasta .. hahhax .. we eat until they close then we leave .. lolx .. because we eat slow and we talk alot .. hahahx that's why .. lolx ..
Then inside the mrt serene took some pic with me. OMG !
All so not nice want lor.. That's why i didnt put it in here .. hahahx .. SO UGLY ! OMG !
So i told her that next time then we take again take nicer want.. hahhax ..
(( 1281 days ~ ))
Recently always woke up at the same time .. hahahx ..
After that around 2 plus going 3 pm i went to shower because i'm going to find serene at raffles place, she went back there to work just for today so i went back there to meet her.. LOLX..
But before i went to meet her i went to Sengkang singpost to sent something.. HAHAX .. Finally i sent it out. LOLX..
After that i go and take MRT and go find serene .. hahahx .. I reach there is like about 5.30. LOLX .. then when i reach there the first thing i saw her doing is packing up those book. -.-
Always .. HAHAX ..
I still remember when the first time i saw her work there she also busy packing up those book .. LOLX .. She's so funny always like that . hahahx .. -.-
Then if i didnt remember wrongly around 6 plus we went to buy YUMMY YOGHUART .. hahax .. so nice to eat .. hahhax .. LOVE IT ! xD
After that at there talk to those people over there because some of them i know them so .. hahahx .. kekex .. lolx .. xD
Urms .. after that she started to count money at 8 then close until 9 then we go leave there then we went PS for dinner .. kekex .. with one of her friend xD
When we reach there she said she wanted to eat pizza hut but their close at that time .. lolx ..
so in the end we eat pasta .. hahhax .. we eat until they close then we leave .. lolx .. because we eat slow and we talk alot .. hahahx that's why .. lolx ..
Then inside the mrt serene took some pic with me. OMG !
All so not nice want lor.. That's why i didnt put it in here .. hahahx .. SO UGLY ! OMG !
So i told her that next time then we take again take nicer want.. hahhax ..
(( 1281 days ~ ))
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
So Sweet xD
When shopping today xD
Yesterday i slept at 5am in the morning and i woke up at 10 am in the morning, just because of i got to meet up with my mum that's why. -.- (( Tired ))
And i meet my mum at bugis around 12 noon, so when i reach there is already 12 plus i thought i was already late but how i know when i reach there she's not there and she make me waited for her. OMG ! I don't like to wait for people when i go out or i meet up people but i'm always the one who will be late .. kekex .. =P (( This kind of people also have i can't wait for people but people got to wait for me .. LOLX .. Is like WHAT ! )) HAHAHX .. !
So when she reach we went to pray first then after that we go and eat, after that we go shopping .. wahahax.. shopping .. hahahx .. LOVE IT ! xD
Actually i wanted to go bugis and buy one bag BUT i can't manage to find it so too bad, too sad. But i did buy one birthday card that i intent to send it to my friend.

kekex... Cute right ? LOLX...
After bugis we went to wisma, i took my hp there for service not only that i went there is also to look for the bag i wanted BUT don't have it too. ANGRY ! ARGHH !
After that we walk around for awhile then we went to parkway parade for shopping too. But there got nothing much to shop too those thing there i see already i also don't really like it so i didn't bought anything from there. As well we walk around but actually at there i do saw one t-shirt quite nice but after i walk around i forget to went back to the shop and get it. =((
So around 6 plus we took bus from parkway to AMK HUB.. To continue my shopping .. LOLX .. The first thing do when we reach there is to have our dinner because the time when we reach there is like already 7 plus that's and plus i'm hungry and my gastric pain. OH ya same old problem my gastric spoil already lahx .. LOLX ..
We ate roti-prata.. hahahx .. is so nice too eat crispy crispy want i like prata to be crispy. kekex.. But before that we waited for quite long then got sit because there sits over there is not much and some people over is so WTH finish eating still don't want to leave and let other people to have the sits. SO many people is waiting for the sits LOR !
After our dinner then i continue my shopping again, BUT ONCE AGAIN I can't manage to buy the bag i wanted. DAMN IT !
So too bad, since i can't manage to find the bag i want then why not i continue to shop for other thing see whether there is anything that i like ya somehow in the end i did bought something BUT is not the thing i really wanted
Anyway i Bought a new pair of shoes :

New pair of slipper :

New Cardigan :

{Oh ya you guys might cant see out that this is a cardigan but yes this is the cardigan}
What a day of shopping.. LOLX..
Althought today i didn't manage to get the bag i wanted and kinda of angry & piss out at first but after all is still kinda of a glad shop today at least i can get all this little stuff. =))
(( 1279 Days ! ))
And i meet my mum at bugis around 12 noon, so when i reach there is already 12 plus i thought i was already late but how i know when i reach there she's not there and she make me waited for her. OMG ! I don't like to wait for people when i go out or i meet up people but i'm always the one who will be late .. kekex .. =P (( This kind of people also have i can't wait for people but people got to wait for me .. LOLX .. Is like WHAT ! )) HAHAHX .. !
So when she reach we went to pray first then after that we go and eat, after that we go shopping .. wahahax.. shopping .. hahahx .. LOVE IT ! xD
Actually i wanted to go bugis and buy one bag BUT i can't manage to find it so too bad, too sad. But i did buy one birthday card that i intent to send it to my friend.
The card is so cute ! xD
This is so cute too! xD
kekex... Cute right ? LOLX...
After bugis we went to wisma, i took my hp there for service not only that i went there is also to look for the bag i wanted BUT don't have it too. ANGRY ! ARGHH !
After that we walk around for awhile then we went to parkway parade for shopping too. But there got nothing much to shop too those thing there i see already i also don't really like it so i didn't bought anything from there. As well we walk around but actually at there i do saw one t-shirt quite nice but after i walk around i forget to went back to the shop and get it. =((
So around 6 plus we took bus from parkway to AMK HUB.. To continue my shopping .. LOLX .. The first thing do when we reach there is to have our dinner because the time when we reach there is like already 7 plus that's and plus i'm hungry and my gastric pain. OH ya same old problem my gastric spoil already lahx .. LOLX ..
We ate roti-prata.. hahahx .. is so nice too eat crispy crispy want i like prata to be crispy. kekex.. But before that we waited for quite long then got sit because there sits over there is not much and some people over is so WTH finish eating still don't want to leave and let other people to have the sits. SO many people is waiting for the sits LOR !
After our dinner then i continue my shopping again, BUT ONCE AGAIN I can't manage to buy the bag i wanted. DAMN IT !
So too bad, since i can't manage to find the bag i want then why not i continue to shop for other thing see whether there is anything that i like ya somehow in the end i did bought something BUT is not the thing i really wanted
Anyway i Bought a new pair of shoes :
New pair of slipper :
New Cardigan :
{Oh ya you guys might cant see out that this is a cardigan but yes this is the cardigan}
What a day of shopping.. LOLX..
Althought today i didn't manage to get the bag i wanted and kinda of angry & piss out at first but after all is still kinda of a glad shop today at least i can get all this little stuff. =))
(( 1279 Days ! ))
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