Today in the afternoon about 1plus,
I receive a call that was made by my sis by using her school office
while she talk and said her teacher asked both me and my dad
to go over to her school for awhile with a crying voice
i was like damn shock and asked her what happen why are you crying ?
She said she had a fight with her friend
I was like really damn shock after hearing that
so me and my dad quickly rush down to her school
and see what exactly happen.
Once we reach her school the teacher lead us to the office
and look for my sis, she was sitting there wipping her tears off
and her teacher told us what had happen with her.
We did asked my sis what had happen too,
and she told us what happen and how come she will had a fight
with her friend as in how they started it.
Plus once we saw her she got a scratch on the left side of her face
a blue black mark on her left hand
and a kinda of " deep scratch " on her right hand
that some where near to her arm.
After awhile the teacher said the other parties parents
made a police report so the school can't really say much
we got to wait for the police to arrive then see about it.
So the teacher told my sis so once the police arrive
tell them all and what had happen.
So once the police arrive my sis told
the police that in the beingging one of her female classamate
went back to class after their english lesson and asked
one of the other girl whether she have any money to lent
the girl said no.
Then after that she asked my sis and my sis said no
and she was like don't know how to listen to english or what
my sis already said no she still ask her the 2nd time.
After the 2nd time she asked my sis
she was kind of like no happy with her or maybe can even say
she purposely want to make trouble
go and snatch her book while she was reading it
then after use tissue paper and throw it on my sis
my sis try to ignore her but she non stop disturbing her
so my sis finally can't stand it anymore and give her a punch on her face.
And there how they start to fight.
Hello !
Please lah !
Everyone got their own limit want okay !
You non-stop disturbing people
for quite a long time already
and she already have been tolerate you for so long
you still non stop disturbing her.
Of cause she will can't stand it lah !
Okay back to the topic.
So after my sis gave her a punch on her face
she started to slap her back
and asked my sis " You're not happy is it?"
" Not happy go toilet 1 on 1 lah "
Glad that my sis is not that stupid
she didn't went to the toilet with her.
So they fight in class.
WOAH ! LOLS... xp
Teacher try to stop them from fighting
and my sis also wanted to stop the fight with them
but that bloodly hell girl refuse to stop.
Okay the first girl i'm talking about it i will name is as " A "
And she scolded the teacher
and told the teacher that this is none of your business
so stay away from it.
But teacher of cause still will try to stop them right ?
So that " A " was not happy and hited the teacher too.
POOR TEACHER kena hited too.
Now here come involve a 2nd girl
okay i will name it " B "
That B and A was very close friend
she helped her out to hit my sis
and the A was not happy asked the B to went to
other class to ask for help from their other friend
that just like both of them to come over.
So they helped the " A " out to hit against
my sis with a dustpan.
and of cause my sis will try to snatch the dustpan from " A "
So my sis manage to snatch it from her
and my sis was really trying to stop the fight
and wanted to place back the dustpan
but they fucking ass stop her from placing the dustpan back
So my sis start to use the dustpan to hit all of them back.
Cause she have to because during that time she was surrounded
by 5 of the other friend if include the " A and B "
all total will be 7 already.
Hello !
7 vs 1 ?
What the hell is this man ?
Isn't it call bully already ?
So of cause my sis got to hit them back to do self protect right ?
So after that the came some more teacher
and stop all of them.
And asked them to call their parents down.
So that's how the fight start and end.
Anyway actually the school said this case school can settle
but just that the dad of " A " refuse to let school to settle it
insist want to make a police report.
So they have to choice.
The police came and also can't do anything
all they can do is just to take down and make a record only
cause the fight happen in school so
should be the school settle it.
But all the teacher know that
my sis is not those type of girl that will anyhow fight
with people or scold people in school.
It was those other girls
that so call as " Ah lian "
you know lah
was the naughty type one.
Anyway most of the teacher also know want they got eyes to see
for themself !
Just that the uncle keep on insist saying that her daughter
won't fight, won't hit people, blah blah blah !
Anyway after we leave the school
we also bring my sis to the police post
to make another report
because if we don't make let say if next time
anything happen outside the school or
they ask other friend of theirs to hit my sis outside the school
who is going to respond ?
And let say if wait till that time then make a police
report isn't it too late ???
Oh anyway this is what chinese always say : Lao wu bu fa hui ni ba wo tang pin mao ah !
So at least we made a police report
next time if anything happen to my sis in school
or outside at least she got make a record and
it's much easy to look for people right ?

This is the scar that they scratch on my sis left side of her face.

This is the blue black on her left hand.

This is the scar on her right hand that is near to her arm.
Anyway she still get injured at other part
like her head was been hited by bag
and now was still aching .
Her back was hited by the dustpan
now was still aching too.