On the 3rd of April were Audrey my cousin wedding,
now then i know to prepare a wedding is not that easy.
There's many things that we got to prepare especially
being the Bride and Groom they have much more thing to do
compare to those that being sister or brother.
All of us got to wake up so early in the morning to prepare ourselves
Most of us woke up at 5am in the morning o_0" our eyes can't open wide. So around 7am like that all the sister gather at the bride house during that time
the bride is just finish up her make up.
There's many things that we got to prepare especially
being the Bride and Groom they have much more thing to do
compare to those that being sister or brother.
All of us got to wake up so early in the morning to prepare ourselves
Most of us woke up at 5am in the morning o_0" our eyes can't open wide. So around 7am like that all the sister gather at the bride house during that time
the bride is just finish up her make up.
After that all of us is waiting for the Groom and his brother to come over and fetch the Bride at 8am. While we're waiting we took out all the stuff that we want the groom and his brother to do before they come in and fetch the Bride.
The thing they have to eat and drink .. hahahahs ...
They have to go through the 酸, 甜, 苦,辣 ( SOUR , SWEET , BITTER, SPICY )
Firstly is SOUR ( 酸 ) :
A few cup of sour plum drinks
all of them have to finish up the whole cup of sour plum
to be able to continue to the next stage of our test.
Secondly is SWEET ( 甜 ):
A few cup of sweet tea
that is cooked by my cousin mum
and it's also need to be use during the serving
tea time to those adult in the later part of her wedding.
Thirdly is BITTER ( 苦 ):
Another few cup of drinks that is been make into juice
by Bitter Gourd. EEEEYER !!!
But do you know that Bitter Gourd are very low in calories
dense with precious nutrients.
It is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, and B3, C,
magnesium, folic acid, zinic, phosphorus, manganese,
and has high dietary fiber.
SO GOOD JOB for you guys to complete drinking it all up. * THUMB UP * ( :
Last but not least SPICY ( 辣 ) :
Each one of them got to finish up
all the Biscult with Wasabi xD
After all this we still didn't let those guys in
we ask the groom to read out the rules and promises
and sing a song related to love to the bride.
Then we allow them to come in and fetch the Bride. ( :
A few cup of sour plum drinks
all of them have to finish up the whole cup of sour plum
to be able to continue to the next stage of our test.
Secondly is SWEET ( 甜 ):
A few cup of sweet tea
that is cooked by my cousin mum
and it's also need to be use during the serving
tea time to those adult in the later part of her wedding.
Thirdly is BITTER ( 苦 ):
Another few cup of drinks that is been make into juice
by Bitter Gourd. EEEEYER !!!
But do you know that Bitter Gourd are very low in calories
dense with precious nutrients.
It is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, and B3, C,
magnesium, folic acid, zinic, phosphorus, manganese,
and has high dietary fiber.
SO GOOD JOB for you guys to complete drinking it all up. * THUMB UP * ( :
Last but not least SPICY ( 辣 ) :
Each one of them got to finish up
all the Biscult with Wasabi xD
After all this we still didn't let those guys in
we ask the groom to read out the rules and promises
and sing a song related to love to the bride.
Then we allow them to come in and fetch the Bride. ( :
then head back to the Bride home cause all our family memeber is waiting
at her house and it's time to serve tea to those adult at
her mum side and father side. ( :

After everyone start to eat the buffet.. hahaha..
Everyone sound so hungry .. LOLS ...
Those food was quite nice and yummy that's what everyone agree with. ( :
After that everyone of us went back continue to take group photos with the bride
Everyone sound so hungry .. LOLS ...
Those food was quite nice and yummy that's what everyone agree with. ( :
After that everyone of us went back continue to take group photos with the bride

After that we went down stair to take picture with the Bride and Groom.
Cause the Bride is going to throw her bouquet of flower and see who fetch it
Cause the Bride is going to throw her bouquet of flower and see who fetch it

After that everyone went back home to get some rest
and prepare for the wedding dinner at night.
Okay Just some picture that we took during dinner time ( :