Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Donkey Forced to Parasail Over Beach

Recently or can just say Yesterday,
there's a news saying about Donkey have been force to Parasail Over the Beach.
Once I heard it i was like WTH is it MAN !!! DONKEY Parasail !?!?!?!

Two Russian Businessmen have sparked
outrange as they were caught
forcing a donkey to parasail over a beach.
The disturbing footage has been
found online of the business men forcing

the donkey to parasail over a beach
in South of Russian.
The footage features the bussinessmen putting on a
show for vacationers who are bathing in the sun on the
beach. Then the donkey parasails over the top
of them. The flim shows the donkey flying through the
skies as the businessmen watched and flimed the event.

Gosh !!!
See it how fast the speed is ???
How can a donkey take it ???

Though they said they have attached a parachute to the donkey before they
attached it to the back of a speedboat and towed it into the air.
The stunt took place over the Sea of Azov.
Many of the people that were there to witness the event said " you could hear
the donkey braying as it was towed through the air by the speedboat. "

It's said that the stunt was part of an advertising campaign by the businessmen but it has gone
horribly wrong as it sparked outrange among those watching it.
Many local newspaper and tv stations were inundated with calls as the event occurred.

Here's some of the comment

For my comment I seriously find them heartless and poor donkey
have to die in such way.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Twilight " Eclipse "

On Friday, after work went to watch movie ( Twilight Eclipse )


with Caludia, she went to get the ticket first cause she knock off
from work earlier than me.
She get the 8.45pm show and our sit is first 2nd roll. ) :
Quite sad to say is quite infront or even can say is very front.
But no choice is full ticket selling quite fast plus yesterday was just the 2nd day of the movie.

Here's the trailer :

This is movie last for 2hr 15min. Is quite a long moive though it's long
but it's nice and worth to watch it.
Caludia still said that she might be watching it again. hahaha..