the 3 of us went out together to catch a moive and that moive is " Wall.E " xD
We went to Downtown East " EHUB " to catch this moive (:
This moive is so funny, funny until the 3 of us laugh from the beinning of the show
till the show ends. So is really damn funny, although starting of the show they don't talk
is just only acting but it's still funny. Cause of the action they made. LOLs.. Overall this moive is nice, don't mind you guys can go and watch it too (:
After 1 hr 30 mins later, that's mean when the moive ends.
We hang around at EHUB for awhile and start to take some picture of us. xD
After that we went to whitesand shopping mall for some shopping.
Because we intent to buy one birthday present for NingNing little Bro
cause on Monday is he's 2 yr old birthday. hahas.. so fast going to be 2 yr old already (:
So i plan to buy a present for him but is kinda of hard to buy because he got lot of thing and plus we have no ideal of what to buy for him. So end up we walk around and look at our own thing and stuff. xD
Anyway we plan to go tampines mall too
so i guess it's alright x
So yah ! We went to took MRT there.
Once we reach there we start to shop for the present again
but suddenly my sis & NingNing said that they wanted to eat SWENSENs.
When i heard it my reaction is like -.-"
but end up we still went to eat ..
Because I'm SO going to SWENSENs ..
to eat those yummy food and the most yummy ice-cream of theirs.
Okays Here's some picture we took on that particular day (:

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