Yesterday went to watch this movie
with my sis. Actually was thought of watching it today
but since yesterday she's free
then she came and wait for me
at my work place.
Actually both of us thought of watch
it at the timing of 4.30pm
but too bad we can't make it.
it at the timing of 4.30pm
but too bad we can't make it.
So we watch it at 7.oopm.

after we finish our dinner
we went to walk around at
amk hub
window shopping around
walking half walk through went
we went into a shop guess what ?
We saw " Ah Looi "
Our cousin.
We saw " Ah Looi "
Our cousin.
What a long time didn't saw her
don't know ever since how many donkey months
from chinese new year up till yesterday
then saw her again.
Okay back to the topic.
After watching the movie yesterday
I find it that is really funny.
Like I use to said before in my past few
post about this movie
I've said that I like that little boy name
" Russel "
He's really cute. xD

Overall is a nice movie ( :

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