Wondering why I went Nepal? I can't believe I will went to Nepal too. But deep in me was thinking why not just go and explore just like I always like to do thing and tell myself " You never try you will never know " and after this trip it gave me a big surprise out of it. ~ WOW ~
Wanna find out more about it let's continue reading it and you will find it out more. Come Let's GO. :)
From Singapore to Nepal(Kathmandu) flight time is roughly about 5hours plus. But there isn't much direct flight from Singapore to Nepal. Unless you pay a little bit more around $100 sgd to $200 sgd (just for the air ticket) and you will be able to get a flight directly from Singapore to Nepal (Kathmandu). But if you choose to save up a little bit on the air ticket then I believe you got to choose other flight and do a transit just like me.
For me I chosen to go with Thai Airway and do our transit in Bangkok and catch our connection flight from Bangkok with Thai Airway, but unfortunately things didn't go smoothly as what we've plan. Why because the schedule time for our flight from SG to Bangkok suppose to be 7.40am (SG Time ) and estimated time to arrive in Bangkok airport at 9.15am (Thai Time) got delay and we missed out our connection flight from Bangkok 10.15am (Thai time) and estimated time to reach Nepal Kathmandu is afternoon 12.30pm (Nepal Time) For your information the time different of SG and Nepal is : 2hr 15min)
But like I mention the flight was delay from SG side. So by the time we arrive in Bangkok we missed out our flight and we have no other choose and thankfully the airport staff is nice and efficient enough to approach us on arrival and arrange everything to get us the next available flight to Nepal(Kathmandu).
I remember when we step out from the airport in Nepal and get a cab to our hotel the road is so dark without any street light so can you imagine how dark is it on the street and one thing I remember clearly is once we arrive in our hotel the guy at the reception court asked us this question : How come we arrived so late ??? so of cause I told him due to the flight delay.
Therefore this how I spend my day one of travelling a tiring day one. Haha
( P.S : But I still enjoy the day one trip although is just keep on transiting flight one to another . To me I feel that is an unforgettable experience and I feel like a traveller. Hehe xP )
Early next morning, when we woke up we when down for our breakfast in the hotel. Although their choice is limited but we still enjoy eating our breakfast there. Partly is because of the environment and the people over there is very nice and friendly.
this is what I had for my breakfast almost the same for the rest of the other days while I'm staying there but is okay for me because is nice and simple oh especially their tea I like it so much.
This is the view of the outdoor of the hotel. You're able to have your breakfast outdoor too. They have a little garden at the back of it is really a nice and relax place to sit down and have your breakfast.
After our breakfast we get back to our room and get ready to change up and go out and start to explore Nepal(Kathmandu) Thamel Street for a walk and look around to see what they have but during the time when we wanted to go out is raining but we still went out without fear.
I look so lost by looking at the street don't know where to go first.
After a walk on Thamel Street we when back to our hotel to put our stuff that we bought, have our lunch and of cause to get some little rest before we head down to other place.
The above picture show what we eat for our lunch.
Late afternoon around 3plus to 4pm we went out again, this time round we went to this place called : Hanuman-dohok Durbar Square. This is one of their Heritage site to go when you're in Nepal (Kathmandu) but we have to purchase the Entry Ticket before we can enter the ticket is selling at (RS 750.00 )

This is how the Entry Ticket look like and from the entry ticket above you also can see the Opening Hours.
Let's took one picture before entering.
Once we walked down and we show this Kal Bhairav. That's Kal Bhairav, this huge stone image of Bhairav represents deity Shiva in his destructive manifestation, It is undated, bu was set in its present location by King Pratap Malla after it was found in a field north of the city. This is the most famous Bhairav and it was used by the government as a place for people to swear the truth.
So remember when you're there don't lie. Haha.. xP
After that we walk ahead to this Jagannath Temple.
This temple is the oldest structure of the square and is noted for the erotic carvings on its roof struts. The image of Jagannath situated inside temple dated back to 1563 during the rule of Mahendra Malla. The temple has a three - tired platform and two storeys.
( In front of this temple have a lot of pigeon as you can see from the picture above and they allow people to feed those pigeon but of cause you have to pay for it.)
I didn't pay to feed the pigeon I just stand by there to take a picture where else the uncle is feeding as you can see from my other picture. ( :
After that we move on to Chyasin Dega.
The temple of Vansagopal (which means Krishna in he act of playing the flute) was built in 1649 by Pratap Malla in meory of his two dead queens. It is architecturally interesting because of its octagonal plan, Along with deity Krishna, Rukmini & Satyabhama are inshrined. Renovated in 1967.
Next want follow by the Trilokya Mohan Narayan and Kumari-ghar
First let's talk about the one on the left you see in the picture that's Kumari-ghar.(P.S Sorry that we did't take a proper direct picture of this Kumari-ghar).
Built in 1757 by King Jaya Prakash Malla, Kumari ghar is the home of the 'Kumari' or living goddess who is considered to be an incarnation of the goddess Taleju. The Kumari ghar is a three storeyed quadrangle lavishly decorated with fine woodcarving. It is the third storey of the building that is especially attractive with its fine bay windows, in which the Kumari appears form time to time in the company of her guardian priestess to see and be seen by her admires.
Now the white color building you see behind Jerome that's Trilokya Mohan Naryan.
Built in 1690 by Queen Mother , Riddhi Laxmi, this temple stands on five-stage plinth and has three roofs, The roof struts are carved with different images, while the templeas a whole is dedicated to Vishnu. There is a large kneeling image of Garud in the western side, The temple is connected with Indrajatra festival, during which large crowd come to see the ten incarnations of Vishnu, which are enacted on its pedestal. Also called Das-abatar mandir.
This is what I've seen at Hanuman-dhoka Durbar Square, actually they have more to see. So if you're interested in this square visit it yourself when you're there in Nepal(Kathmandu).
This is what I've seen at Hanuman-dhoka Durbar Square, actually they have more to see. So if you're interested in this square visit it yourself when you're there in Nepal(Kathmandu).
After visiting Hanuman-dhoka Durbar Square, we start to walk back to Thamel and along the street there's shop house and it look like the picture shown below :
While we're walking half way we happen to small this small alley and inside the alley I show this smaller version of Boudha Stupa. I still remember that I thought we came to the actual Boudha Stupa. Haha..
We stay here to took some picture and after that back to Thamel and have our dinner and do some shopping. It's Shopping time. Haha. But over that their shop will close early before 8.30pm (Nepal time). Why so early right ? Because over there remember I've mention in the earlier part of this post they do not have any street light so by night time the whole street will be super dark. Expect for a few shop or mini mark that is open till slightly little bit later. Other then that most people will be back at home or hotel to chilling.
Okay this is all about Nepal(Kathmandu) but no worries this is not the end of the adventure trip I have to share with all of you about Nepal (Kathmandu) this is just Part One. So continue to read my blog to find out more about it. xD
Okay this is all about Nepal(Kathmandu) but no worries this is not the end of the adventure trip I have to share with all of you about Nepal (Kathmandu) this is just Part One. So continue to read my blog to find out more about it. xD
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