Saturday, May 26, 2012

Leaving on the Dot

Look at the article on the above. Regarding leaving your work place on the dot. When i read it the different between leaving on the dot and not leaving on the dot i'm so super agree with it.

I always believe that no matter how hard and how much work we do the work load will still always be there so why not just do as much as you can during your working hour right?
Why do we have to sacrifice our time that we can actually spend more with our family member and friends instead of staying back daily from morning till night?

But of cause once in awhile staying back do some overtime it's okay but not everyday. I would rather spend more time with my family and friend.

To me i always believe that we must always know and clear when to work hard and when to play hard and of last but not least to relax and enjoy your life. (-:

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